Bernie Sanders Was Right About Climate Change Being Our Biggest Threat

Bernie Sanders Was Right About Climate Change Being Our Biggest Threat

It’s no news to many of you my evolution with Bernie Sanders. I first endorsed him: here, here, here, and here. I fought off many a people that came in bad faith to sully his name: here, herehere, and here. I also called him out in one of the most scathing ways imaginable… but he was absolutely and unequivocally right about climate change being our biggest threat—not just to national security, but to the entire planet.  

I’ve been meaning to write about so many different things at the moment—things that have and currently are affecting us tremendously, but I can’t get climate change out of my mind. We can’t do much about anything if we’re dead. Thoughts and prayers won’t do much about the imminent threat that is climate change.

Our planet is currently going through a macabre, a necrotic metamorphosis. It’s extremely sick and we’re the cause. We’re the cause. To make matters worse, we’ve been electing despots, right-wing maniacs (Donald Trump, Rodrigo Duterte, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson…) all over the world to get us out of a shit-hole capitalism (and all the other isms it birthed to sustain it) created and buried us to. These maniacs are finishing the job many “well-intentioned” and “brilliant” liberal minds started: deregulation. Deregulation for maximum profits. A deregulation that reaches every corner of this earth. A deregulation that’s arm-in-arm with a consumer culture that does not care about the deaths it causes of Black and Brown activists protecting their people and their land all over our world. We have an insatiable, willfully ignorant, and blood-thirsty consumer culture that needs beyond reformation—it must be destroyed. We must start anew so we can at least slow down our inevitable death. And we’re not just killing ourselves. We’ve also started another mass extinction of millions of other creatures.

The world is in flames. The planet is heating up faster than we thought it would. We are making both our land and our sea uninhabitable.

Our liberal politicians are not just utterly useless—they’re also putting the interests of the psychopathic ultra-rich before our lives to the point of not wanting to debate about climate change. Unbelievable. We are currently in a crisis that should’ve been addressed expeditiously decades ago. But we’ve been lied to, we’ve been misled by greedy corporations that knew about climate change way before shit hit the fan. They did not and still do not care about the health of this planet, our lives.

I commend Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for leading the way with their Green New Deal. The world is in such a death-spiral right now that I believe we shouldn’t just pay heed to it, but we must also go beyond a Green New Deal. We need a fundamental change, a complete overhaul to the way we see the world and we live our lives—and that should start with the filthy rich.

I am angry and terrified. We should all be angry and terrified.

I no longer see a stop to climate change, but we can slow it down with “radical” solutions. Those radical solutions have been proposed by Black and Brown progressives, including Bernie Sanders, before. They’ve been ringing the alarm for a very long time. So please pay them serious attention because we need to act right now.

We don’t have time for debates.

Thanks for reading and sharing with your family and friends.

A mainstream or indie magazine would usually pay me between $250-$450 for one of my pieces. Since I decided to go solo for the sake of keeping my voice unedited and uncensored, I created this website. Keeping it afloat and these pieces coming is not just time-consuming, but it’s also costly because it angers a lot of those same mainstream papers and magazines (along with their donors) for calling them out—so their favorite retaliation tactic is deplatforming. Especially of unapologetic and unhypocritical Black and Brown voices. Ideally, I’d like to raise between $250-$450 per piece and many of you have actually stepped-up to the plate and helped me accomplish that. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you would like to see more of these and support one of the few unbought indie voices, please contribute:

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